Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Year

And so a new school year has begun.

After being home for about a week and a half - and being pretty darn happy - I'm back in s.d getting back into school mode and being lonely once again.

As much as I love being at home, sometimes it sucks. Cause in the back of my mind I'm always aware of the fact that I have to leave. I've only been out here for two days, and I must say that I am max sad and desperately trying not to be depressed.

Everytime I come out here, I'm reminded of how lonely I am and just how "different" I am in comparison to my peers. I'm reminded just how "wierd" I am cause I dont party and how taboo it is to be a virgin in this sex filled age. It just really sucks to be an outsider.... I have yet to meet a single person out here that I can actually be freinds with. It's quite unfortunate...

Besides being sad and lonely, the beginning of the year also brings on a yearning for change. Every year I like to make a list of goals for the year. Sometimes I reach them, sometimes I don't. But I always try

Here is this year's list:

  • Get A's
  • Read the Bible
  • Take care of my skin
  • Take care of my hair
  • Save money
  • Meet new people
  • Eat better
  • Lose weight
  • Pray more
  • Stop being so shy

The last is probably gonna be the hardest. But all I can do is try. and that's what I plan on doing...

1 comment:

Celise said...

your list is pretty much my list lol